WHO are we?
Established in January of 2012, the EmPoWER Family Success Center (FSC) is a
community gathering place that connects families to helpful resources in Somerset County, NJ and brings families together through free events & local activities.
WHAT do we do?
We connect families to helpful resources in the county, hold workshops and trainings at our office in Somerville NJ, and host one FREE Family Fun Event each month in a different Somerset County town.
WHY do we do it?
To provide an environment to strengthen and empower individuals and families, and to build connections among families and the community.
HOW do we do it?
We facilitate our programs with funding from the NJ Division of Children & Families, support from our parent organization EmPoWER Somerset, and partnerships with local venues, businesses, agencies, and donors.
WHO do we serve?
Our services are for residents of Somerset County and are absolutely FREE. If you reside in another NJ county, please contact your local Family Success Center: